30 min Run with Technique Drills


30 min Run with Technique Drills
30 min Run with Technique Drills

30 min Run with Technique Drills

Muscle Group:

exercise, mobility, technique




As a runner Jenny ‘grew’ up incorporating drills and skills into her running. 
Today she personally likes to use technique drills for herself and with her clients for a wide variety of reasons.
Drills make an effective recovery run - your body benefits from a jog with technique far more than say a straight up 30 min jog.
We all benefit greatly from an emphasis on technique, form, mobility and efficiency.
Jenny's friend Rubin MCrae of Running Sweden has produced and excellent You Tube Video demonstrating basic running drills. Watch it here. https://youtu.be/rLFkjnZCoN0

Detailed Workout Plan

Warm up for 10 minutes at an easy and comfortable pace.
On a flat surface. It is preferable that this surface is flat and on a grass, dirt or all weather track surface. 
Do 10 minutes of drills.
Do them over 30 m unless stated.
Walk in between to recover.
Cool down for 10 minutes of easy paced running at the end.

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